What is Life Alchemy?

Our world is changing, the human race is riding an evolutionary wave…….
Higher frequencies are flooding the planet…..New timelines are opening up…..
We are beginning to remember who we really are.
And it is not what we have been told.

The need to stand in full integrity as your sovereign Self and understand what is unfolding has never been so urgent if we are to help ourselves, our friends, family, clients, community access the higher iteration of being human
There is no quick fix, read-this-book-and-all-will-be-revealed because it does not exist
We are stepping into the unknown.
We need those who can help re-imagine this world.
Who have the courage to stand up and dare to dream bigger….better…
Who are willing to be the Wayshowers, the Change Makers and the Wisdom Keepers for the coming Age.

Are you one of them?

Are you ready to lift the veils of illusion and remember who you really are?

Are you prepared to see and approach Reality in a very different way to those you have been taught?

Are you wanting to move from the limitations of the 3D world to the transformative flow of 5D living?

Are you willing to learn and explore the many paths of knowledge and wisdom, some very ancient, some modern, which when woven together will help create a different path into humanity’s future?

Are you willing to be in the vanguard of the true Alchemy of Self – the transformation of Homo Sapiens Sapiens into Homo Luminous, the New Human for the coming Age?

And ultimately, as you transform are you willing to reach out and help others around you on the same path?

If the answer to these is YES! then join the movement to bring the Grail principles of wholeness, wisdom, authenticity and service, seeded hundreds of years ago into fruition.

Begin your Grail journey through the Life Alchemy gateway to an empowered and purposeful life by:

Awakening Your Grail Wisdom

This is where we begin, with a 7-module course laying the foundations of the knowledge we require to begin our alchemical journey.

This will take us into the energetic underpinnings of the containers and ways in which we conduct our lives. The concepts, insights and new understandings and view of the world begins your journey of transformation to claiming your true sovereign Self.

This is the foundation on which you will build all that comes after.
Click here to find out more…

Once you are through this transformative gateway access to further teachings unlock


The Three Great Energetic Archetypes
understanding the archetypal underpinnings of reality and how to work with them

The Universal Laws and Elemental Forces
the great forces which shape our Universe, without knowledge of which we cannot begin to craft the life we want

The Alchemy of Self
what do we have to do to come into resonance with the higher timelines opening up and access the dimensional portals within

Following the Dragon Path
working with the elemental earth energy, the dragon pathways, and the Spirits of the Land

The Alchemy of Health
the body is a vehicle for consciousness and its well-being affects the potential of that consciousness. Our increasing exposure to ever higher frequencies and energies

Hidden History
there is much we haven’t been told about the origins of the human race and uncovered artefacts and ancient tablets speak to a different story to the one we have been told. We need to know who we are if we are to know where we are going.

And much more….

The Lost Wisdom Library

For over 30 years I have been researching and studying of esoteric wisdom, ancient wisdom teachings, spirituality, ancient history, mythology and transformational teachings.

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